Veggieworld Festival - become a sponsor

Advertise successfully at the VeggieWorld festival

Place your advertising messages where they reach the relevant audience – online & offline!

your benefits

  • Perception of your brand in a vegan and trend-conscious environment
  • Placement of your brand on high-reach VeggieWorld channels
  • Entrepreneurial commitment pays off – support one of the most relevant future topics with your sponsorship

Target audience

Up to 5,000 people interested in vegans meet in Dortmund for a weekend to experience vegan together, learn, discuss, celebrate, toast and feast. The festival is also expressly aimed at a non-vegan audience. We invite you to get to know the vegan way of life in an informal setting.

Our offers

  • Branding main stage
  • Branding Lecture Tent
  • Branding Crew Merch
  • Co-branded visitor tickets
  • Brand presence via the VeggieWorld channels

We offer numerous possibilities to place your brand and your message with a small or larger budget – take a look at the options and contact Hendrik Schellkes if you are interested ( or +49 2132 51022 28).

Together we create an advertising package that fits your advertising goal and budget!

ANY PLANTS FOR the weekend?