General Terms
1. Organizer
Wellfairs GmbH
Düsseldorfer Straße 41
40667 Meerbusch
2. Exhibitors
Exhibitors from the following sectors are permitted:
vegan products & meat-free foods, plant-centred lifestyle, natural cosmetics without animal testing, ecological clothing and home-made textiles, organic FairTrade products, food-service providers and show cooks, kitchen equipment & products, publishing houses & internet portals, education institutions, ethically or ecologically-minded companies, wellness enterprises, associations, public authorities and institutions.
3. Registration
Registration is made exclusively via the attached form, under agreement to these Conditions of Participation. The fully completed registration form, with legally binding signature, should be sent to the event organiser commissioned by the agency to organise the Trade Fair.
Wellfairs GmbH
Düsseldorfer Str. 41
40667 Meerbusch
Conditions or reservations listed in the registration are not effective. Placement requests shall be taken into consideration where possible, but are not a condition for registration. No exclusion of competition is guaranteed.
Registration is binding until the event organiser has informed the exhibitor in writing of the acceptance or rejection of the registration. If the written declaration of the event organiser is not presented within one month of receipt of the registration, then the exhibitor can set a grace period of one week and withdraw from registration upon expiry of this.
The data disclosed in the course of the registration shall be forwarded to a third party for electronic data processing and contract processing purposes.
4. Approval / confirmation of stand
The event organiser and/or the approval committee shall decide on the approval of exhibitors and exponents at their own discretion. There is no legal entitlement to approval. Approval or rejection of the registration shall be disclosed by the event organiser in writing. This approval is non-transferable.
5. Allocation and stand location changes
stand position allocated to the exhibitor, under attachment of a hall floor plan, together with the approval, though no later than two months prior to the event. The event organiser shall allocate stand locations at its own discretion. This shall apply even if the registration contains an explicit request on the part of the exhibitor.
The event organiser is entitled to change an existing stand allocation as well as the size of the allocated stand space by up to 20 per cent maximum if good cause exists, in particular for the sake of improving the overall appearance of the Trade Fair is . The event organiser shall also be entitled to relocate entrances to the exhibition location or thoroughfares at its own discretion.
6. Sub-exhibitors, joint stands
Joint stands or sub-exhibitors shall only be permitted if approved in writing by the event organiser. Joint stand exhibitors shall be liable to the event organiser as joint debtors. A sub-exhibitor shall be deemed a vicarious agent of the main exhibitor. The main exhibitor shall, for good measure, cede all claims against the sub-exhibitor to the event organiser. A processing fee of € 250.00 plus VAT shall be paid by the main exhibitor for each sub-exhibitor.
If products or companies are advertised at the stand that were not named in the approval, or if the sub-exhibitor fee is not paid, then the event organiser shall be entitled to terminate the agreement with the main exhibitor without notice and have the stand cleared at the expense of the exhibitor without requiring the consent of the same.
7. Withdrawal
The exhibitor may withdraw before the written approval against payment of a processing fee of 25 per cent of the stand rental fee.
After receipt of the approval, total or partial withdrawal is no longer permitted. Should an exhibitor nevertheless be unable to participate in the exhibit, then the event organiser shall undertake to rent the stand space to another party – but without obligation to do so. Income obtained as a result of this, less costs incurred, shall be offset against the stand rental fee of the exhibitor. The event organiser shall be entitled to termination of the agreement without notice if a motion for the institution of composition or insolvency proceedings has been filed against the exhibitor, in the case that the exhibitor has not already paid the stand rental fee in full.
8. Security
The event organiser shall assume responsibility for the security of the Trade Fair premises for the purpose of maintaining general order.
No additional liability on the part of the event organiser or annulment of liability exclusions shall arise as a consequence. The event organiser is entitled to carry out necessary control measures for conducting said security services on any exhibition stand.
9. Access to third-party exhibition stands
Third-party stands may not be accessed outside of the daily exhibition opening hours without the permission of the stand owner.
10. Sales regulations
Direct sales and sales via order books are permitted.
11. Advertising on the Trade Fair premises
Printed matter and advertising materials may only be distributed within the rented stand space , not in the hall entranceways or the trade fair premises. When designing external advertising, the technical guidelines of the event organiser and the hall owner shall be observed.
Advertising measures which breach advertising provisions, legal bans, or are morally objectionable shall not be permitted. Advertising measures of an ideological or political nature or which offend other exhibitors or visitors are similarly not permitted. Advertising material in breach of this may be removed and kept in safekeeping by the event organiser for the duration of the event. The acceptance of advertising material on the part of the event organiser shall not release the exhibitor from observance of legal stipulations.
12. Technical services
The event organiser shall ensure general heating, air conditioning and lighting in the hall. The costs for the installation of electricity, water, gas and compressed air connections to individual stands, and the costs of consumption and all other services shall be charged to the exhibitors (main lessee of the stand) separately.
All installations outside the stand may only be carried out by specialist firms approved by the event organiser. Installations inside the stand may also be carried out by other specialist firms, which shall be disclosed to the event organiser. The event organiser is entitled, though not obliged, to inspect these installations. The exhibitor shall be liable for all damages caused by the installations.
Connections, machines and devices which are not permitted, do not correspond to relevant provisions, or have a higher-than-declared level of consumption may be removed at the expense of the exhibitor. For safety reasons, exhibitors are prohibited from using the electricity connections of other exhibitors. The stand owner shall be liable for any damages incurred by an uncontrolled tapping of energy. The event organiser shall not be liable for losses and damages caused by disruptions in the energy supply.
The Conditions of Participation of VeggieWorld and the technical guidelines for exhibitors constitute an inherent part of these Conditions of Participation.
13. Cleaning
The event organiser shall ensure the cleaning of the premises, halls and entranceways. A fee of €3 plus VAT per square metre shall be due for this.
The cleaning of the stands is incumbent on the exhibitor and must be completed daily before the start of the event. If the exhibitor does not have cleaning performed by its own staff, then only companies approved by the event organiser may be commissioned with such performance.
14. Exhibition insurance and exclusion of liability
The event organiser shall not be liable for damages or losses of exhibition goods or stand facilities, nor for damages caused by fire, theft, water or force majeure. The exhibitor may close an insurance agreement with respect to such risks itself at its own discretion. In the interests of general order, however, the exhibitor must, without delay, disclose any damages arising as a result of the aforementioned risks to the event organiser, and in case of criminal activity, to the police.
The event organiser shall, however, be liable for such damages caused by it or its vicarious agents due to gross negligence or wilful intent insofar as such damages are the direct result of these actions.
15. Salvo
If the event organiser cannot host the Trade Fair, or can only host such in part or at different times for reasons, for which it cannot be held accountable, then the exhibitor shall not be entitled to any claim for damage compensation. If the Trade Fair is hosted only in an abbreviated form, the stand rental fees shall be reduced accordingly and the excess amount shall be refunded. If a Trade Fair cannot be held, then the event organiser shall remain entitled to withhold up to 25 per cent of the stand rental fee as a processing fee, unless the exhibitor displays only very limited expenditure.
16. Right of owner or occupier of premises to undisturbed possession
The event organiser exercises a right of owner or occupier of premises to undisturbed possession across the entire exhibition premises for the set-up, event and clean-up period. The event organiser is entitled to issue instructions. Dogs are not permitted.
17. Oral agreements
All amendments or addenda to this agreement require the written form to be effective.
18. Limitation period
All claims of the exhibitors against the event organiser, on whatever legal grounds, shall lapse within six months from the last official day of the Trade Fair.
19. Place of jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this agreement shall be the headquarters of the event organiser. German law applies.
Last updated: March 2020